Agile Tech Labs and our partners can help you build a new app on the cloud or migrate/customize the app to cloud.
Cloud Computing & Migration
A successful cloud migration strategy requires careful planning to realize the benefits you expect while avoiding unexpected costs and security vulnerabilities. You can either go it alone or engage with experts who can guide you with best practices. Agile Tech Labs and our partners can help you optimize your migration to the cloud with:
Assess your unique needs
Build full proof plan – do the cloud evaluation to meet your business needs
Help you decide the right cloud – pivate vs public vs hybrid
Help you select the right cloud partner such as Rackspace,, Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Building Application on selected Cloud partner (Amazon EC2,, Azure, Rackspace), Establish a governance model, Measure progress, Software Deployment
Provide end to end Cloud Delivery life cycle beginning from requirements, design, development, test design, testing, acceptance, and support
Migrating enterprise applications or infrastructure to a cloud environment (iaas, paas, saas):
In-house Unix/Linux servers to AWS
Microsoft .Net to Micorosft Azure
Java to Google App Engine
Java or .Net to
Agile Tech Labs experts can resolve all common issues related to cloud deployment
Agile Tech Labs experts will make sure that cloud applications have been tested thoroughly to meet the business needs.